Latin America & the Caribbean

Following general strike, Argentina’s Parliament rejects Milei’s economic ‘reforms’

By Adam Wetzstein When Javier Milei was inaugurated as Argentina’s president, it was with a promise to break the back…

February 22, 2024

Maude Leblanc, Haïti Progrès’ director, has died

By Kim Ives The following excerpts are from the Jan. 31, 2024, online issue of Haïti Liberté. Read the entire…

February 14, 2024

Argentina: Milei’s war on workers met with general strike

By Adam Wetzstein After decades of rapid inflation and economic crisis, Argentine voters last November elected economics professor Javier Milei…

January 26, 2024

Message from Communist Party of Cuba to Lenin Centennial

By Communist Party of Cuba, Central Committee A message to the Jan. 21, 2024, Lenin Centennial in New York City. …

January 22, 2024

Mensaje del Partido Comunista de Cuba al Centenario de la muerte de Lenin

Por el Partido Comunista de Cuba/Comité Central  Enviado a la Reunión por el Centenario de la Muerte de Lenin en…

January 22, 2024

Delegation to Honduras condemns crimes of U.S/Canada-backed dictatorship

This news release was issued January 10 in Honduras. Members of a 10-day U.S/Canada delegation, hosted by the Cross Border…

January 20, 2024

Panamá 60 years after January 9, 1964

Beluche is a sociologist and anti-imperialist organizer in Panamá. Translation: John Catalinotto. January 9, 1964, was Panamá’s true independence day.…

January 11, 2024

Communists in Brazil condemn Israeli massacre in Gaza
Message to NYC Lenin Centennial

By Márcia Campos São Paulo, Brazil, Jan. 5, 2024 The Lenin Centennial received this message from Márcia Campos, member of…

January 8, 2024

Las causas de la invasión norteamericana a Panamá (1989)

Olmedo Beluche es un sociólogo marxista panameño. (Tomado del libro: “Diez años de luchas políticas y sociales en Panamá. 1980-1990”) …

December 26, 2023

A peoples’ victory — Alex Saab is free and home in Venezuela!

Alex Saab is free and home in Venezuela. For three and a half years (1,280 days), Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat,…

December 21, 2023