Latin America & the Caribbean

Honduras/Director of Berta Cáceres’ assassination found guilty

Roberto David Castillo Mejía, accused by prosecutors of “masterminding” the assassination of beloved Honduran environmentalist and Indigenous leader Berta Cáceres,…

July 12, 2021

Cuba and HIV/AIDS: How to combat an epidemic

By Æzra EL Boston This is an edited version of a talk given July 9 at a Workers World Party−Boston…

July 12, 2021

International campaign grows to free Alex Saab

The continuing international Campaign to free Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, abducted by the U.S. over a year ago and held…

July 7, 2021

Solidarity with socialist Cuba

Leading up to the annual vote in the U.N. General Assembly June 23 on Cuba’s resolution to end the illegal…

July 1, 2021

Colombia’s National Strike in perspective

By Juan Diego García The author is a Colombian political analyst living in Spain. The article was first published in…

June 25, 2021

Haiti: Guerrilla warfare and COVID-19 break out in Port-au-Prince

Starting in early June, firefights broke out among the armed neighborhood militias in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, with the cops sometimes…

June 25, 2021

Massive Brazil protests demand ‘Vaccine in arm, food on plate, Bolsonaro out!’

Organizers say some three-quarters of a million people demonstrated in over 400 cities in Brazil and around the world on…

June 24, 2021

Peru: Fujimori threatens pre-emptive coup

Thousands of poor Peruvians from the countryside and mountains have gone to Lima to demonstrate support for Pedro Castillo, the…

June 22, 2021

Kamala Harris goes to Central America − and so does Wall St.

In 1973, Eduardo Galeano wrote what was then a groundbreaking book, “Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the…

June 16, 2021

Protesters demand: ‘Cancel LUMA Energy contract in Puerto Rico!’

Puerto Ricans in the diaspora protested June 11 against the private LUMA Energy company’s June 1 takeover of the operations…

June 16, 2021