Latin America & the Caribbean

‘Now, we must mount a hurricane ourselves, of effort and determination’

The following article first appeared in Granma on Sept. 1, 2021. By Yaima Puig Meneses  The response to damages caused…

September 7, 2021

Comentario sobre Ida: El capitalismo acelera la miseria

La rama de la Costa del Golfo Central de Workers World Party Partido Mundo Obrero emitió la siguiente declaración el…

September 6, 2021

‘Thank You, Mexico’ for sending aid to Cuba

An international statement of solidarity with revolutionary Cuba was delivered Aug. 26 at the Mexican Consulate in Denver, as Deputy…

September 3, 2021

Alex Saab remains defiant

By Roger Harris These are the opening paragraphs of an Aug. 26 update on the struggle to free Alex Saab,…

September 3, 2021

Claudio Katz accepts Liberator Award for latest book, Part 2

By Claudio Katz Caracas  Dec. 17 -- The following is from a lecture the author, an Argentine Marxist economist and…

September 3, 2021

World Federation of Trade Unions backs Nabisco strikers

This statement was issued Aug. 25 by the Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions/La Federación Sindical Mundial. The…

September 2, 2021

Venezuela workers send solidarity to Nabisco strikers

Workers of the Sisotrokraft Union at the Mondelez factory in the city of Barquisimeto in Venezuela sent a solidarity message…

September 2, 2021

A defense of Cuba from the Argentine left

By Mario Hernández / Claudio Katz This Aug. 25 interview with Claudio Katz, Argentine member of Left Economists and political…

September 1, 2021

Ya se ha oído todo antes

Ya lo hemos oído todo antes. El gobierno de Estados Unidos reclama un complot, una agresión o una crisis humanitaria…

August 30, 2021

Former Peruvian Foreign Minister Héctor Béjar: ‘This is the beginning of a soft coup’

By Sengo Perez Lima  Published Aug. 20 in the Uruguayan newspaper, Brecha ( Translation by Michael Otto. Sengo Pérez: Did…

August 27, 2021