Latin America & the Caribbean

Venezuela: U.S. ignorance of reality can’t justify farce

Sent to Workers World by the author, Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein, a Venezuelan analyst and writer. Translated by Michael Otto The…

October 15, 2021

U.S. rejects Haitians fleeing utter misery

There are two streams of Haitian refugees fleeing the utter devastation of their country, inflamed by the feckless, decades-long U.S.…

October 15, 2021

U.S. delegation says: ‘Hands off Nicaragua!’

From Managua, Nicaragua Nicaragua’s Alliance for Global Justice delegation visited Nicaragua to learn about the advances of the Sandinista government…

October 11, 2021

Indigenous Peoples Day in the time of COVID-19 

This article was first published in the Oct. 14, 2020, issue of Workers World. On Oct. 7, 2021, a new…

October 8, 2021

Alex Saab defense team works to win his release

Oct. 3: The legal team for kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab released the following statement Sept. 14. The struggle to…

October 7, 2021

700,000 in the streets of Brazil demand ‘Bolsonaro out!’

The following article was published Oct. 2 on the website of Vermelho, news magazine of the Communist Party of Brazil…

October 7, 2021

U.S. policies drove people from Haiti, now force them back

Haitians expelled from the camp in Del Rio, Texas, at the end of September were forced or tricked into getting…

October 4, 2021

CUBA SÍ: Solidarity against blockades, COVID and empire

The following excerpted remarks were given during a Philadelphia Workers World webinar promoting the upcoming November Caravan to Cuba sponsored…

September 30, 2021

Alto al terror racista contra los refugiados haitianos! ¡Alto a las deportaciones!

 ¡Reparaciones para el pueblo haitiano! Workers World Party/Partido Mundo Obrero, saluda la valentía inspiradora del pueblo haitiano - en Del…

September 30, 2021

Haitian lives matter!

Philadelphia As the solidarity rally in Philadelphia with Haitian refugees began to gather Sept. 28, around 75 participants were greeted…

September 29, 2021