Latin America & the Caribbean

U.N. vote to end U.S. blockade demands: ‘Let Cuba live!’U.N. vote to end U.S. blockade demands: ‘Let Cuba live!’

U.N. vote to end U.S. blockade demands: ‘Let Cuba live!’

New York City Since 1992 the United Nations General Assembly has voted annually on the criminal U.S. blockade of socialist…

November 4, 2024
Cuba out of electricity? Why it happened.Cuba out of electricity? Why it happened.

Cuba out of electricity? Why it happened.

Katrien De Muynck October 21, 2024 Published in French at Translation: John Catalinotto. There is virtually no electrical power…

November 1, 2024
Martinique and Guadeloupe: French colonies in the Caribbean demand lower pricesMartinique and Guadeloupe: French colonies in the Caribbean demand lower prices

Martinique and Guadeloupe: French colonies in the Caribbean demand lower prices

Two French colonies in the Caribbean, that operate under the legal fiction that they are French departments with seats in…

November 1, 2024
New York City: Cuba solidarity to end the U.S. blockadeNew York City: Cuba solidarity to end the U.S. blockade

New York City: Cuba solidarity to end the U.S. blockade

Activists held a spirited rally at Grand Central Station in New York City on Oct. 27 to demand an end…

October 29, 2024
Portland protests U.S. attacks on CubaPortland protests U.S. attacks on Cuba

Portland protests U.S. attacks on Cuba

By Evan Reif Portland, Oregon On October 26 the Portland End the Blockade of Cuba Coalition, made up of local…

October 29, 2024
Cuba sin electricidad. ¿Y por qué?Cuba sin electricidad. ¿Y por qué?

Cuba sin electricidad. ¿Y por qué?

24 de octubre de 2024 Traducido del francés para Rebelió por Beatriz Morales Bastos. Demuynck es una periodista bélgica y…

October 28, 2024
Why Secretary of State Antony Blinken went to HaitiWhy Secretary of State Antony Blinken went to Haiti

Why Secretary of State Antony Blinken went to Haiti

Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Haiti and the Dominican Republic on Sept. 5 and 6, the first visit…

September 13, 2024
Miguel Enríquez, una vida fecunda que perdura en el tiempoMiguel Enríquez, una vida fecunda que perdura en el tiempo

Miguel Enríquez, una vida fecunda que perdura en el tiempo

El autor es un soldado, diplomático y analista antiimperialista de Venezuela. El 5 de octubre se cumplen 50 años de…

September 13, 2024
Chile’s Miguel Enriquez, a fruitful life that endures in timeChile’s Miguel Enriquez, a fruitful life that endures in time

Chile’s Miguel Enriquez, a fruitful life that endures in time

The author is an anti-imperialist soldier, diplomat and political analyst living in Venezuela. In this article, written Sept. 4, 2024,…

September 10, 2024
Cuban ambassador meets with Atlanta activistsCuban ambassador meets with Atlanta activists

Cuban ambassador meets with Atlanta activists

Atlanta Alejandro Garcia del Toro, Deputy Chief of the Mission to the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in the…

September 7, 2024