Latin America & the Caribbean

A Sandinista’s view of Nicaragua’s colonial history

The following is part of a presentation given by Johnny Hodgson, Sandinista National Liberation Front’s Political Secretary for the Autonomous…

November 10, 2021

United States tries to sabotage Nicaragua’s elections – yet again

By Nan McCurdy The following edited article first appeared in Covert Action Magazine on Nov. 3.  (Read the entire article…

November 9, 2021

Cuban president tweets thanks for ‘end the blockade’ caravans

The president of Cuba, Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, re-tweeted pictures from the Oct. 31 car caravans from U.S. cities in…

November 8, 2021

Alex Saab’s case–Legally, politically damaging to the U.S

The following is based on a statement on the case of diplomatic Special Envoy Alex Saab – kidnapped by the…

November 5, 2021

Haiti in crisis, U.S. big-business press calls for intervention

Oct. 31 — The Haitian economy lacks the fuel it needs to function. Because Haiti’s electric grid is unreliable, hospitals,…

November 5, 2021

Another October uprising in Ecuador?

by Harí Villareal Quito, Ecuador The author’s article appeared in Oct. 28. Villareal is a filmmaker and professor at…

November 3, 2021

Without U.S. interference
Nicaragua’s right to sovereignty, development

Managua, Nicaragua The Central American country of Nicaragua will hold national elections Nov. 7. Already the U.S. bourgeois press, a…

November 2, 2021

Miami defenders rally for release of twice-kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab

By Lauren Smith Bulletin: On Nov. 1 U.S. District Judge Robert Scola dropped all but one money laundering charge against…

November 1, 2021

Nicaragua, con atención médica y educación gratuita, desafía la dominación de EE.UU.

La razón por la que Nicaragua es etiquetada como una “amenaza inusual y extraordinaria para la seguridad nacional de los…

October 28, 2021

Oakland rally demands: ‘Free Julian Assange!’

Oakland, Calif. Oct. 23 — A broad coalition of antiwar and anti-imperialist groups converged here at the Grand Lake Theater,…

October 25, 2021