Latin America & the Caribbean

Cholera & hunger in Haiti meet militant resistance

As famine lurks throughout Haiti and cholera daily kills the weak, the very young and the old, the response of…

October 22, 2012

Haitian masses to president: ‘Leave! We’ve had enough!’

All over Haiti — from Cap-Haïtien in the north to Jérémie in the southwest and Miragoâne in the south, in…

October 14, 2012


Venezuelans affirm revolution: ‘Chávez isn’t leaving’ Chávez won! The Venezuelan people won! Latin America and socialism won! These slogans capture…

October 11, 2012

Haiti: No more words, people want deeds

A number of strong, militant protests against the government of Michel Martelly have taken place in Cap-Haitien, the second largest…

September 29, 2012

Haiti: A century of occupation, oppression and resistance

The situation for Haitian workers and peasants has gone from grim to dire. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees…

August 6, 2012