Latin America & the Caribbean

Nicolás Maduro seeks to deepen revolution

A wonderful civilian-military ­parade capped the inauguration of Nicolás ­Maduro in Venezuela on April 19. Maduro took the oath of…

April 24, 2013

Groups demand U.S. recognize Venezuela gov’t

U.S.-based organizations swiftly denounced U.S. intervention against the election of President Nicolás Maduro Moro in Venezuela and mobilized. Weekend actions…

April 24, 2013

Chavista Maduro wins election

Late in the evening of Sunday, April 14, the National Electoral Council (CNE) issued its ruling: Nicolas ­Maduro was elected…

April 17, 2013

U.S. protests show solidarity with Venezuela

April 11 was a national day of action in the United States to support the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela and…

April 17, 2013

Stop the rightist coup in Venezuela

April 16 — Fascist-like elements backed by U.S. imperialism are attempting a coup against constitutional rule in Venezuela. The Venezuelan…

April 16, 2013

Students organize to support Cuban Five

New York — Students at Columbia University held an important forum on campus to build solidarity with the Cuban Five.…

April 4, 2013

General estadounidense ‘predice’ problemas para Cuba y Venezuela

El jefe del Comando Sur de Estados Unidos, el general John Kelly, quien supervisa las fuerzas militares estadounidenses en América…

April 4, 2013

U.S. general ‘predicts’ problems for Cuba, Venezuela

The head of the U.S. Southern Command, Gen. John Kelly, who oversees U.S. forces in Latin America, is afraid that…

March 26, 2013

National day of action April 11 to keep U.S. out of Venezuela

The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle has called for a National Day of Action on Thursday, April 11, against U.S. intervention…

March 26, 2013

Chávez’s Venezuela promotes solidarity with U.S. poor

From the robber baron days of Carnegie and Rockefeller to today’s Bill Gates, billionaires, with great fanfare, have spent a…

March 16, 2013