Latin America & the Caribbean

Biggest protest to date in Haiti

Most of them live without electricity. Or phone service. Their community groups and popular parties don’t have much of either.…

December 4, 2014

Haitian cops kill protesters – U.S. Embassy remains silent

November 18 is the anniversary of the 1803 battle of Vertière, the decisive battle of the Haitian revolution in which…

November 29, 2014

Haiti: Cancelled elections spark big protests

If you don’t hold elections, you can’t lose them. This maxim, which the Duvalierist dictatorships upheld for decades in Haiti…

November 7, 2014

Haiti mourns loss of trial as ‘Baby Doc’ dies

Any Haitians with a progressive bone in their body regretted Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier’s Oct. 4 death. They would have preferred…

October 14, 2014

Venezuela: Behind murder of revolutionary deputy

On the morning of Oct. 2, the Bolivarian people of Venezuela awoke to the terrible news of a murder during…

October 9, 2014

Venezuelans defend Bolivarian Revolution

Venezuela is in the midst of the difficult task of constructing the path to socialism. Like any living process, it…

October 1, 2014

At Bronx meeting, Venezuela’s President Maduro says revolution ‘will not fall’

Bronx, N.Y. -- When the history books in the U.S. are finally written by the working class, they will write…

September 29, 2014

Haiti: A tenacious resistance arises

For over a month now, the residents of Petit Goâve, a small city on the southwest coast of Haiti, have…

September 27, 2014

U.S. actions say ‘Free the Cuban 5’

Sept. 12 is the 16th anniversary of the day when police snatched five Cuban men from their beds. Three of…

September 11, 2014

San Francisco rally defends human rights in Honduras

On the fifth anniversary of the coup in Honduras, the Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition and Hondurans in Resistance…

July 2, 2014