Latin America & the Caribbean

Ana Betancourt: An imperishable Cuban woman

This guest article was contributed by friends in Cuba. By Rosa María Oliva Enríquez and Ildefonso Gustavo Díaz Sandoval Ana…

February 25, 2016

Obama plans unprecedented visit to Cuba

President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Cuba on March 21-22. He is the first sitting U.S. president to do…

February 22, 2016

Haitian masses demand Martelly leave, set new elections

In the first week of February, tens of thousands of Haitians, both in Port-au-Prince, the capital, and other major cities,…

February 19, 2016

San Francisco Labor Council: Stand with the Haitian people – overturn the stolen elections

The following San Francisco Labor Council resolution was adopted Feb. 8 by unanimous vote. Whereas, in December 2003 the San…

February 19, 2016

Haitians demand elections

Tens of thousands of people have come out onto the streets in Port-au-Prince and other Haitian cities to demand fair…

February 14, 2016

Mixed signals on Cuba: U.S. eases restrictions but levies fines

The U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments on Jan. 27 jointly issued revisions that would further ease trade and travel restrictions…

February 7, 2016

Haiti in turmoil as masses reject corrupt election

Tens of thousands of Haitians took to the streets Jan. 22 to protest the scheduled second round of corrupt presidential…

January 31, 2016

The Cuban Adjustment Act: Its impact on migration

A lingering product of the decades-long U.S. war against the Cuban Revolution is visible today in Costa Rica, where nearly…

January 18, 2016

2016 opens with new surge in mass resistance to Haiti election fraud

Jan. 8 -- The seemingly irresistible momentum of Haiti’s mass movement -- combined with convincing evidence of widespread election fraud…

January 12, 2016

U.S. ambassador butts into Haiti election

Jan. 3 -- Thousands of Haitians protesting in the streets against the patently fraudulent presidential elections held Oct. 25 led…

January 5, 2016