Latin America & the Caribbean

Cuba, Puerto Rico and Zika

The Caribbean countries of Puerto Rico and Cuba, both located near the Zika hot zone, have similar peoples and climates…

April 3, 2016

¿Qué nos enseña la crisis brasileña?

Olmedo Beluche es un sociólogo panameño. Una crisis política enorme se cierne sobre ese gigante que es Brasil. Una investigación…

March 29, 2016

In Honduras, ‘Berta did not die, she multiplied’

March 24 -- It has been three weeks since the assassination of beloved Indigenous leader and environmentalist activist Berta Cáceres…

March 25, 2016

Women and the Nicaraguan Revolution

Thousands of women fighters transformed gender roles within the context of the Nicaraguan Revolution and the Sandinista National Liberation Front…

March 24, 2016

Cuban foreign minister says blockade still intact

March 21 -- Despite positive steps, the U.S. blockade of Cuba continues intact. That’s how Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez…

March 21, 2016

Ana Betancourt: una cubana imperecedera

Por Rosa María Oliva Enríquez e Ildefonso Gustavo Díaz Sandoval Ana Betancourt de Mora nació en Camagüey, Cuba, el 14…

March 15, 2016

Oakland, Calif., event supports Haitian people’s struggle

Oakland, Calif. -- An event commemorating the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of Haiti's first democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide,…

March 14, 2016

U.S. investment in Cuba

By Bill Hackwell Resumen Latinoamericano, North American Bureau How could it be that, while hundreds of U.S. corporations are lined…

March 6, 2016

The Clintons’ role in Haiti

Seething mass protests throughout Haiti in late January and early February drove President Michel Martelly from office on Feb. 7.…

March 6, 2016

Indigenous activist Berta Cáceres assassinated in Honduras

Workers World received this release on March 3 from the School of the Americas Watch ( At approximately 11:45 p.m.…

March 3, 2016