
U.S.-NATO threats ignore ‘red lines’ in Ukraine

Front lines are collapsing for the Ukrainian army, whole units surrendering. Top commanders are fired. Faced with complete disarray of…

June 7, 2024

La desaparición de un régimen moribundo

“La guerra en Gaza no tiene rumbo y la estamos perdiendo claramente. Nos vemos obligados a volver a luchar en…

May 27, 2024

French imperialism stunned: Indigenous people of Kanaky revolt

May 23 − In a direct blow to French imperialism, the Indigenous people of a large island archipelago in the…

May 25, 2024

Ukraine crisis nears cracking point: New NATO escalation?

Recent gains by the Russian military on the battlefield in Ukraine have sharpened the possibility of a new escalation of…

May 22, 2024

NATO escalates Ukraine war against Russia; draws sharp response

By Carlos Fazio      This article by Carlos Fazio, journalist and university teacher in Mexico City, was published in…

May 20, 2024

La OTAN escala la guerra contra Rusia en Ucrania; Rusia responde con firmeza

Esta artículo por jornalista y profesor Carlos Fazio fue publicado en el diario mexicano La Jornada y también en…

May 20, 2024

Chinese leader Xi remembers bomb victims on visit to Belgrade, Serbia

This article by Jörg Kronauer was published in the German daily newspaper, junge Welt, on May 8 ( Workers World…

May 13, 2024

Three U.S. wars threaten World War Three: $95 billion targets Palestine, Iran, Russia and China

Anyone who thinks that the U.S. policy of continued arming and fully supporting the Israeli genocide is an accident or…

May 3, 2024

German police shut down Palestine Congress in Berlin

By Andrew Johnson An anti-imperialist Palestine Congress “against German complicity in the genocide in Gaza” was planned for Berlin from…

April 26, 2024

Bipartisan backing for genocide

The movement in the U.S. that has taken on the challenge of stopping the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide against Palestine has…

April 26, 2024