
Russia’s demands challenge NATO’s threats

Russian President Vladimir Putin at his End of the Year Press Conference, Dec. 23, 2021, speaking to 500 domestic and…

January 5, 2022

Polish soldier deserts, charges army with killing migrants

Polish soldier Emil Czeczko, who was serving on the border under orders to prevent migrants from crossing from Belarus into…

January 3, 2022

U.S./NATO threats heighten tension with Russia

Washington has threatened economic and diplomatic sanctions against Russia over the conflict with Ukraine and has raised the possibility of…

December 22, 2021

Why Cuba has no anti-vaccine movement

In the imperialist countries, honest skepticism about government handling of the COVID-19 crisis and the profit-driven decisions of pharmaceutical companies…

December 13, 2021

People of the Sahel oppose imperialism

After two weeks of struggle — burning barricades, smashed windows and mirrors, Molotov cocktails, masses of people on the road,…

December 10, 2021

U.S. and its Nazi puppets in Ukraine threaten war with Russia

The following slightly edited commentary was first published in November by Workers Voice Socialist Movement of New Orleans. U.S. war…

December 3, 2021

Union strikes Amazon in Germany

Nov. 7 − Some 2,500 Amazon workers went out on strike in Germany for one to three days starting Nov.…

November 12, 2021

Obreros griegos lograron gran victoria–quieren más

Desde los militantes de PAME (el Frente Militante de Todos los Trabajadores de Grecia) hasta los analistas financieros que siguen…

October 8, 2021

Greek delivery workers just got a big win – and they want more

From the militants of PAME (the All Workers Militant Front of Greece) to financial analysts following the fast food industry…

September 30, 2021

Stop U.S. submarine warfare!

The Biden administration’s latest foreign policy step has sharpened U.S. imperialism’s global conflict with the People’s Republic of China. It…

September 20, 2021