
Western imperialism faces its weaknesses

By Manuel Raposo March 28 The author is editor of the Portuguese web magazine, Translation: John Catalinotto. The G7…

April 1, 2022

La guerra en Ucrania y sus efectos en América Latina y el Caribe

Por Carlos Mauricio Ferolla y Marcelo Depieri  (OBSAL – Observatorio de Coyuntura de América Latina y el Caribe del Instituto…

April 1, 2022

Sanctions on Russia boomerang – Biden promises food shortages

March 27 “Food shortages — it’s going to be real,” President Joe Biden said in Brussels March 25. “The price…

March 31, 2022

The war in Ukraine and its effects on Latin America and the Caribbean 

by Carlos Mauricio Ferolla and Marcelo Depieri March 23, 2022. On Feb. 24, war broke out in Ukraine after the…

March 31, 2022

Los trabajadores del aeropuerto italiano se niegan a cargar armas para Ucrania

Fronte Popolare, Italia Los trabajadores del aeropuerto Galileo Galilei de Pisa -un aeropuerto civil- denunciaron el 12 de marzo que…

March 28, 2022

Sanctions Kill Campaign:  End the Ukraine war

This March 17 statement issued by the Sanctions Kill Campaign links to a petition: The Sanctions Kill Campaign is…

March 25, 2022

No sanctions, no nukes, no war!

A seismic shift is sending shock waves through the global economy.  The well-established capitalist disorder, dominated by U.S. imperialism and…

March 22, 2022

Italian airport workers refuse to load arms for Ukraine

Fronte Popolare, Italy Workers at the Galileo Galilei Airport in Pisa — a civilian airport — reported March 12 that…

March 22, 2022

Lockheed and Raytheon – today’s ‘Masters of War’

“Come, you masters of war; You that build the big guns; You that build the death planes; You that build…

March 18, 2022

If you care about Ukraine – disband NATO

Long before the Feb. 24 Russian intervention, the 2014 U.S.-backed fascist coup regime had reduced Ukraine to the poorest country,…

March 17, 2022