
German Peace Council statement
‘On the way to a new world order − for cooperation instead of confrontation!’

German Peace Council (Friedensratschlag) The text below is the final statement of the German Federal Peace Council from the 29th…

December 19, 2022

Worldwide actions demand: ‘Make Amazon pay!’

Protesting Amazon’s treatment of workers and its practices that contribute to the climate crisis, coordinated demonstrations in over 30 countries…

December 2, 2022

Is Ukraine war at a turning point?

Published on on Nov. 21, 2022. Translation: John Catalinotto. Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley said: Ukraine cannot expect a…

December 2, 2022

Strike wave rocks Britain

Workers in Britain have been in motion conducting walkouts and strikes, with hundreds of thousands of workers expected to carry…

November 28, 2022

European workers fight for wages and rights

This article was published in the Nov. 17 issue of Avante, the newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party, giving a…

November 24, 2022

A hair’s breadth from escalation?

During the day of Nov. 15 the world came close to a rapid escalation of the U.S.-NATO proxy war against…

November 21, 2022

Which way for the antiwar movement?
Demand ‘Negotiations’ or ‘Stop U.S. Wars’?

As the war in Ukraine grows more protracted and dangerous, its consequences will arouse fear among many and opposition among…

November 15, 2022

Workers in France conduct one-day general strike

Protesters clashed with the police in numerous cities, as 300,000 workers participated in a partial general strike in France Oct.…

October 28, 2022

Referendums in the Donbas to join Russia pass overwhelmingly

Four regions that were formerly part of Ukraine — the Peoples’ Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk (collectively known as the…

October 28, 2022

Say NO to U.S. wars!

Antiwar organizations and activists protested outside the federal courthouse in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 22. Workers World Party, Democratic…

October 24, 2022