
Germany: Warning strike turns up the steam

By Arnold Schölzel The author is a former editor of the German newspaper junge Welt, where this article was published…

March 30, 2023

Despite government attacks: Workers, students in France stay strong

Since President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Élizabeth Borne rammed through the “reform” of France’s pension system March 16 —…

March 28, 2023

Long live the working class of France: Vive la classe ouvrière de la France!

The working class of France is in the streets, with millions of people striking and demonstrating.  The proverbial straw —…

March 27, 2023

As Zelensky speaks, vigil to demand Austria maintain neutrality

Workers World received this petition and call for a vigil from the Austrian group, the Social Alliance for Peace and…

March 27, 2023

Antiwar statement from inside Ukraine

The statement below is from the Union of Political Emigrants and Political  Prisoners of Ukraine to the March 18 antiwar…

March 24, 2023

Workers of all ages defend pensions
French unions in revolt

Bulletin: The vote in the National Assembly took place March 20 and the government survived by nine votes. The battle…

March 22, 2023

A call to deepen class struggle in France

March 18: Faced with President Emmanuel Macron’s new anti-democratic use of Article 49.3 of the French Constitution, the following is…

March 20, 2023

Soplan vientos nuevos desde China

El autor es un experto venezolano en relaciones internacionales. Publicó este artículo el 15 de marzo de 2023. El pasado…

March 20, 2023

France on strike as millions of workers walk out, block streets

Some 3.5 million workers in 270 locations in France demonstrated March 7, called out by the coalition of trade unions…

March 15, 2023

Norway, Nord Stream and Vietnam

By Nadya Williams Feb. 28, 2023 Nadya Williams is Director of Communications, Veterans For Peace, San Francisco Chapter 69; and…

March 10, 2023