Asia & the Pacific

Global warming, nuclear power and China, Part 1Global warming, nuclear power and China, Part 1

Global warming, nuclear power and China, Part 1

In a surprise move, China and Britain’s Conservative Party government have signed an agreement in which China will participate in…

October 26, 2015
Fuerzas de clase detrás del genocidio estadounidense en Hiroshima y NagasakiFuerzas de clase detrás del genocidio estadounidense en Hiroshima y Nagasaki

Fuerzas de clase detrás del genocidio estadounidense en Hiroshima y Nagasaki

En el 70º aniversario de los asesinatos en masa de la población civil de Hiroshima y Nagasaki en Japón, el…

August 18, 2015
Class forces behind U.S. genocide in Hiroshima, NagasakiClass forces behind U.S. genocide in Hiroshima, Nagasaki

Class forces behind U.S. genocide in Hiroshima, Nagasaki

On the 70th anniversary of the mass murders of the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, on Aug.…

August 13, 2015
China, aumento de salarios y militancia obreraChina, aumento de salarios y militancia obrera

China, aumento de salarios y militancia obrera

Los salarios de las/os trabajadores en EUA se han estancado desde 1970 en términos de poder adquisitivo. Es de conocimiento…

August 4, 2015
China, rising wages and worker militancyChina, rising wages and worker militancy

China, rising wages and worker militancy

Workers' wages in the United States have been stagnant since the 1970s in terms of purchasing power. It is common…

July 21, 2015
Bombings kill more in Yemen as hunger, thirst spreadBombings kill more in Yemen as hunger, thirst spread

Bombings kill more in Yemen as hunger, thirst spread

Warplanes deployed by the Saudi Arabian monarchy, the Gulf Cooperation Council and their allies, all backed by U.S. imperialism, are…

July 6, 2015
Stop Pentagon war moves against China!Stop Pentagon war moves against China!

Stop Pentagon war moves against China!

The Pentagon in the third week of May sent a U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon surveillance plane near Fiery Cross Reef…

May 27, 2015

Hong Kong protests: Why imperialists support ‘democracy’ movement

Demonstrations in Hong Kong, China, raising demands on the procedures to be followed in city elections in 2017, have become…

October 7, 2014

Para terminar el conflicto entre China y Vietnam

Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero Un peligroso conflicto ha estallado entre la República Popular China y la República Socialista de Vietnam…

May 27, 2014

Russia-China strategic accords in view

This article by Manlio Dinucci was published in Il Manifesto on May 20 and translated by Workers World managing editor…

May 22, 2014