Asia & the Pacific

Hong Kong protests: Why imperialists support ‘democracy’ movement

Demonstrations in Hong Kong, China, raising demands on the procedures to be followed in city elections in 2017, have become…

October 7, 2014

Para terminar el conflicto entre China y Vietnam

Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero Un peligroso conflicto ha estallado entre la República Popular China y la República Socialista de Vietnam…

May 27, 2014

Russia-China strategic accords in view

This article by Manlio Dinucci was published in Il Manifesto on May 20 and translated by Workers World managing editor…

May 22, 2014

For an end to the China-Vietnam conflict

A dangerous conflict has broken out between the People’s Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam over the…

May 22, 2014

U.S. & Japanese imperialism threaten China

The capitalist press is busy speculating on the motives of the People’s Republic of China in setting up an Air…

December 5, 2013

No to Pentagon pressure on China

All over the world, but especially in the East Asia and Pacific region, people are worried about a deliberate provocation…

November 30, 2013

Marxismo y el carácter social de China

(Traducido del inglés para ­Rebelión por J. M.- revisado por Berta ­Joubert-Ceci de WW-MO) El tema de China es una…

July 1, 2013

Marxism and the social character of China

The issue of China is one of the most important questions of the 21st century for the working class and…

June 13, 2013

Syrian troops battle for Qusair

June 2 — The battle for Qusair is shaping up to be a major turning point in the Syrian war. The…

June 5, 2013

Lucha global de liderazgo y la desaceleración económica en China

La economía china se está desacelerando, parte de la desaceleración económica global que ahora azota al mundo capitalista. China también…

February 26, 2013