Asia & the Pacific

Solidarity with the DPRK

The following message of solidarity was sent on Sept. 9 to Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the Workers’ Party of…

September 17, 2018

India throws out British colonial anti-sodomy law

On Sept. 6, India’s Supreme Court struck down the country’s law criminalizing consensual sex between same-sex partners. The law, known…

September 17, 2018

Africa and China strengthen ties

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit in Beijing on Sept. 3 and 4 will help strengthen what are already…

September 1, 2018

Freedom Flotilla to Gaza assaulted by Israeli Occupation Forces

The Israeli Occupation Force stopped and boarded by force the fishing boat al-Awda (the Return) between 40 and 50 nautical…

August 6, 2018

Chicago groups slam repression in Philippines

Three dozen demonstrators rallied outside the Chicago Consulate of the Philippines on July 23 to expose the killing of more…

July 25, 2018

Chicago forum exposes U.S. attacks on Korea

Chicago — Deirdre Griswold, a founding member of Workers World Party and editor of WW newspaper, spoke at a July…

July 14, 2018

Im/migrant rights solidarity from India

The Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) and its mass organizations are carrying out solidarity protests against the separation of…

June 26, 2018

Trump, Korea, NATO: Where is the world going?

Even as the Trump administration unleashes the repressive instruments of the state to terrorize, imprison and tear apart im/migrant families…

June 24, 2018

Attack on Yemen port city puts millions at risk

With U.S. logistical and intelligence aid, the Saudi Arabia-United Arab Emirates coalition of reactionary monarchies in the Persian/Arabian Gulf region…

June 24, 2018

China #1 in renewable energy

It’s easy to feel gloomy when all your news input comes from the powerful media conglomerates controlling what most people…

June 14, 2018