Asia & the Pacific

‘Stop police terror, from Philly to Philippines’

Dozens of people braved 99˚ weather to rally in front of Philadelphia's City Hall on July 21. They gathered to…

July 27, 2019

War opposition grows as protests say, ‘U.S. hands off Iran!’

June 29 -- Anti-war organizations in the U.S. have responded to the Trump administration’s aggressive moves toward Iran with immediate…

July 2, 2019

U.S role in Hong Kong protests

The corporate media have used recent protests in Hong Kong to attack and vilify the People’s Republic of China and…

June 30, 2019

A historical perspective on China

This article by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy appeared in WW on June 3, 1993, when the bourgeois media…

June 7, 2019

China resists gunboat diplomacy and unequal treaties — then and now

Most people in the U.S. are unaware of the fact that more than a century ago armies of occupation from…

June 2, 2019

Why the imperialists hate Huawei

The Chinese company Huawei has been targeted by the Donald Trump administration. At Washington’s request, Canada arrested Meng Wanzhou, the…

May 30, 2019

U.S. war threats intensify on Iran

May 20 -- Another U.S. initiated crisis reached an ominous level this past week with President Trump’s announcement that Iran…

May 21, 2019

EE.UU.: ¡Fuera de Irán!

Como si la pandilla de la Casa Blanca se sintiera incompleta simplemente nivelando las amenazas económicas contra China, haciendo comentarios…

May 21, 2019

Lo que revelan las relaciones comerciales entre EE.UU. y China

Mucho se ha revelado acerca de las dos economías más grandes del mundo a raíz de los aranceles impuestos por…

May 21, 2019

Koreans protest outrageous U.S. seizure of ship

Workers World reprints below in full a statement from the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on…

May 16, 2019