Asia & the Pacific

El bipartidismo en su mejor (o peor) expresión: La prohibición y la palabrería

Por mucho que demócratas y republicanos traten de parecer diferentes unos de otros, a veces no pueden evitar sonar igual.…

March 29, 2024

Bipartisanship at its best (or worst): The ban and the blather

As much as Democrats and Republicans try to appear different from one another, sometimes they can’t help sounding alike. This…

March 18, 2024

Kim Jong Suk, fighter for liberation of Korea

“My mother passed away too early. Her life, though short, was truly worthwhile.” – Kim Jong II, General Secretary of…

March 12, 2024

Joint statement of Southeast Asian left organizations
End the genocide! Solidarity with Palestine!

This joint statement was initiated by the Southeast Asian Left Network [Feb. 29, 2024], and endorsed by groups from within…

March 7, 2024

China: Palestine has right to armed struggle

Senior Chinese official Ma Xinmin made a powerful statement Feb. 22 before the International Court of Justice that Palestinians have…

February 27, 2024

Oppose the new Cold War on China by opposing every U.S. war

Based on a talk by Sara Flounders to a webinar held on Feb. 18, 2024, Peace Delegates Report Back from…

February 24, 2024

Merle Ratner ¡presente!

On Feb. 5, 2024, the U.S. movement lost longtime anti-war, community activist Merle Ratner. She was killed instantly when a…

February 19, 2024

From Kolkata, India
Unite to end war and save Palestine

By Provash Ghosh Provash Ghosh, general secretary of the Socialist Unity Center of India (Communist), sent this message to the…

February 17, 2024

Beware U.S. imperialism’s war on Iran

Will the escalation in bombing by the U.S. and British air forces against people in Syria, Iraq and Yemen lead…

February 5, 2024