Asia & the Pacific

Imperialist countries create global vaccine apartheid, prolonging pandemic

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, the scale of inequality under capitalism has come sharply into focus.…

April 26, 2021

Global warming: Myanmar, Greenland and green cars

Greenland is the largest island in the world which is not a continent. Only it and Antarctica are covered by…

April 16, 2021

Vaccines highlight differences between capitalism and socialism

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear which countries had effective responses to the spread of the virus,…

April 12, 2021

¡NO APAGUE! La única solución: Estados Unidos fuera de Afganistán

El 29 de febrero de 2020, después de rondas de negociaciones en Doha, Qatar, con los talibanes -la insurgencia que…

April 12, 2021

UNAC says: ‘No to U.S. war threats against China!’

This slightly edited statement was issued by the United National Antiwar Coalition March 24. The Biden administration is intensifying its…

April 2, 2021

The blame game

Of the two big-business political parties in the United States, the Democrats for more than half a century have been…

March 22, 2021

Philippine activists demand: ‘Stop the killings and arrests!’

“Kill them all!” ordered Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, addressing the Philippine National Police and Armed Forces of the Philippines on…

March 16, 2021

U.S. calls Europe to arms against China, Russia

The author’s Art of War column published in the Italian web daily, Il Manifesto, March 9. Translation: John Catalinotto. The…

March 12, 2021

Stopping Amazon censorship with mass pressure. Good news.

Stopping Amazon censorship is news. Good news. The Amazon corporate conglomerate is notorious for using its power to surveil and…

March 8, 2021

Vaccines: China vs. Western imperialism

Vaccine Racism: How wealthy nations stockpile life-saving vaccines while poor countries and poor people within these countries are ignored. How…

March 5, 2021