
U.S.-NATO installed Libyan regime requests assistance from imperialist military alliance

After more than two years of a full-fledged Pentagon- and NATO-led war against the North African state of Libya, the…

June 11, 2013

U.S. direct military threat to Syria grows

The crucial victory by the Syrian Arab Army against imperialist-backed terrorist ‘rebels’ in Qusair, a town near the border with…

June 10, 2013

Low-wage garment workers fight giant retailers

Just 22 days after the horrific Rana Plaza building cave-in killed more than 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers, two workers died…

June 9, 2013

Mali youth protest French military occupation

France is continuing its occupation of northern Mali to the growing displeasure of youth who staged a sit-in in the…

June 9, 2013

Haitians demand U.S./U.N. troops out

Thousands of angry Haitians gathered in front of the Hotel le Plaza in downtown Port-au-Prince on June 1 to demand…

June 9, 2013

Declaration on the recent events by the Communist Party of Turkey

The following is a declaration issued June 4 by the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) on the recent mass uprising…

June 6, 2013

No to Monsanto!

An estimated 2 million people around the world demonstrated on May 25 in opposition to giant conglomerate Monsanto’s production of…

June 6, 2013

Syrian troops battle for Qusair

June 2 — The battle for Qusair is shaping up to be a major turning point in the Syrian war. The…

June 5, 2013

African Union summit raises withdrawal from International Criminal Court

Over 50 member-states of the African Union concluded its 21st Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 27. The regional…

June 5, 2013

Manos de Estados Unidos: ¡Fuera de Siria y Venezuela!

Las recientes amenazas de EE.UU. contra Irán, Siria y Venezuela muestran que este tiempo de crisis económica capitalista trae consigo…

June 5, 2013