
Police massacre striking miners

Aug. 20 — Striking platinum miners have defied Lonmin Platinum PLC’s back to work orders and continue their job action…

August 22, 2012

Stop U.S. machinations in the Middle East!

Washington and the corporate media alike have made it obvious that U.S. imperialism — and its colonialist allies in Europe…

August 20, 2012

Honduran Resistance declares fight for socialism

A historical and wonderful thing is happening in the small country of Honduras in Central America. Despite terror imposed by…

August 18, 2012

How much are the Olympics worth?

Can a dollar figure be put on the Olympics? The answer is yes, according to a July 25 CNN article…

August 16, 2012

Hunger strike in Colombia: GM workers sew lips shut outside U.S. Embassy

No one comes to work expecting or intending to be hurt. Being injured on the job creates both physical and…

August 15, 2012

The Gu Kailai trial & the struggle in China

A spectacle directed at the left as world capitalist crisis deepens   Gu Kailai’s trial and conviction for the alleged…

August 15, 2012

Clinton’s Africa tour advances U.S. militarism, attacks on China

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton toured nine African countries over an 11-day period beginning Aug. 1. During the tour…

August 8, 2012

Syria defends itself against imperialist onslaught

The fighting in Syria is shaping up as a military showdown between the Syrian army on one side and “rebel”…

August 8, 2012

The corporatization of the Olympics

The summer Olympics began in 1896 in Athens, Greece, as a vehicle for bringing together mainly amateur athletes from around…

August 8, 2012

Haiti: A century of occupation, oppression and resistance

The situation for Haitian workers and peasants has gone from grim to dire. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees…

August 6, 2012