
Unrest continues in South Africa mines after Marikana massacre

Mineworkers and their supporters have continued to express outrage at the police killing of 34 strikers and wounding of 78…

September 2, 2012

Non-Aligned Movement meets in Iran, defies U.S.

A meeting in Tehran starting Aug. 26 puts into the sharpest perspective the waning position of U.S. imperialism globally and…

September 2, 2012

Quebec students suspend strike, struggle goes on

As August began, students in community and senior colleges all over Quebec voted to suspend the student strike that began…

September 2, 2012

Latin Americans defy U.S., back Ecuador on WikiLeaks asylum

Ecuador, with the support of much of Latin America, is in what may be a long-term standoff with British imperialism…

August 24, 2012

Free Cuban 5!

The case of the Cuban 5 and the struggle to free them from their unjust imprisonment in the U.S. received…

August 24, 2012

Mayor in Spain leads food raids for the people

A revolutionary youth’s perspective In the small Spanish town of Marinaleda, located in the southern region of Andalusía, Mayor Juan…

August 24, 2012

Chavela Vargas: A rebel artist who thrilled millions

Chavela Vargas, born Isabel Vargas Lizano in the town of San Joaquín de Flores, Costa Rica, died at the age…

August 23, 2012

Police massacre striking miners

Aug. 20 — Striking platinum miners have defied Lonmin Platinum PLC’s back to work orders and continue their job action…

August 22, 2012

Stop U.S. machinations in the Middle East!

Washington and the corporate media alike have made it obvious that U.S. imperialism — and its colonialist allies in Europe…

August 20, 2012

Honduran Resistance declares fight for socialism

A historical and wonderful thing is happening in the small country of Honduras in Central America. Despite terror imposed by…

August 18, 2012