
U.S. merchants of death top world’s arms sales

The United States military-industrial complex tripled its arms sales last year as it sold $66.3 billion in weapons overseas in…

September 12, 2012

Socialist Korea looks ahead

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea celebrated the 64th anniversary of the state’s founding on Sept. 9 with mass displays…

September 12, 2012

South African workers’ stoppages spread

The Lonmin Platinum PLC in Marikana, South Africa, has not restarted production at the facility where 44 workers died in…

September 12, 2012

Protest in Germany defends Syria, hits NATO

On Sept. 1, a broad coalition of people from German, Syrian and Turkish progressive and patriotic groups in Frankfurt, Germany,…

September 10, 2012

U.S. & Israel exonerate murderers, torturers

Nine years after the crushing to death of Rachel Aliene Corrie by an Israeli bulldozer, a judge in Haifa has…

September 10, 2012

40 years after Munich Olympics: The big lie about the Palestinians

International Olympic Committee president, Jacques Rogge, bowing to pressure and threats from U.S. and Israeli officials, paid tribute on July…

September 10, 2012

Same storm, different responses

The storm called Isaac hit Haiti, Cuba and the United States. When it lashed Haiti and Cuba, meteorologists called it…

September 10, 2012

Still no justice for injured GM workers in Colombia

The struggle continues for a just resolution of the ongoing crisis facing a group of General Motors workers in Colombia…

September 6, 2012

South African miners cheer as murder charges dropped

Some 50 workers celebrated outside the jail as South African authorities announced on Sept. 2 that they were provisionally dropping…

September 5, 2012

Conditions that led to South Africa massacre

The following excerpts from the pamphlet “SOUTH AFRICA – Which road to liberation?” were written by Monica Moorehead, now a…

September 5, 2012