
The real criminals behind Pakistan’s factory fires

The deadly fire of 1911 — which killed 146 workers, mostly immigrant women and girls — and the ensuing publicity,…

September 27, 2012

South African police crack down on wildcat strike activity

South African police have arrested striking workers in an effort to stem protests and violence in the areas surrounding platinum…

September 24, 2012

1 million Portuguese shout: ‘Fxxk the troika!’

Some 1 million of Portugal’s 11 million people held massive marches in Lisbon, Oporto and 38 other cities and towns…

September 24, 2012

What’s happening in Ecuador?

New York — Latin American immigrants and other activists attended a meeting at the Solidarity Center in New York City on…

September 24, 2012

Afghan resistance grows

Cold comes early to the villages of the Alingar district in Laghman province in Afghanistan. To heat their houses and…

September 20, 2012

Anti-U.S. protests spread worldwide

Sept. 17 — In more than 20 countries throughout Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe, hundreds of thousands of…

September 19, 2012

Colombia revolutionaries announce peace talks

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples’ Army (FARC-EP), held a press conference in La Havana, Cuba, on Sept. 6 to…

September 17, 2012

Colombian hunger strike comes to GM’s home

Working at breakneck speed under antiquated conditions at the General Motors Commodores plant in Bogotá, Colombia, more than 200 workers…

September 17, 2012

Quebec student struggle stops tuition hikes

The first official decree from Pauline Marois, the new Quebec premier and leader of the Parti Québécois (PQ), at her…

September 17, 2012

Canada rightists persecute activists

Most quotes are from a Sept. 4 Fire This Time news release sent to Workers World by the Mobilization Against…

September 17, 2012