
African Union summit raises withdrawal from International Criminal Court

Over 50 member-states of the African Union concluded its 21st Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 27. The regional…

June 5, 2013

Manos de Estados Unidos: ¡Fuera de Siria y Venezuela!

Las recientes amenazas de EE.UU. contra Irán, Siria y Venezuela muestran que este tiempo de crisis económica capitalista trae consigo…

June 5, 2013

Workers’ strikes joins massive protests in Turkey

June 4 — A small protest to keep a green space in downtown Istanbul from being turned into a giant…

June 4, 2013

Libyan rebels and imperialist court battle over Gadhafi’s son

A disagreement between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the current Libyan government highlights the crises that have worsened during…

June 4, 2013

Mass revolt grows against government in Turkey

June 3 — A small protest to hold onto a green space in downtown Istanbul that began five days ago…

June 3, 2013

Obama’s peace rhetoric masks U.S. aggression

A violent, worldwide war against “terror” engenders resistance. These are not just outbreaks of individual rage as in Boston or…

June 2, 2013

South Africa mineworkers union asks 60 percent pay raise

South Africa’s miners have been forced to threaten strikes following an announcement that thousands of workers would be laid off.…

June 2, 2013

U.S. hands off Syria, Venezuela!

Recent U.S. threats against Iran, Syria and, yes, Venezuela show that this time of capitalist economic crisis brings with it…

May 29, 2013

Worldwide march planned against Monsanto

On May 25, activists from around the world will unite to march against Monsanto, the largest manufacturer and promoter of…

May 26, 2013

West weaves web of lies over Syria

There is mythology of Western interventionism in Syria: The role of the United States and other Western nations has been…

May 26, 2013