
U.S., EU out of Ukraine! Stop Washington’s threats!

The present crisis in Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula was provoked by the seizure of political power in Kiev by…

March 1, 2014

Statement of communist, left and anarchist forces of Russia on events in Ukraine

The following statement was issued Feb. 26 by an array of communist, left and anarchist forces in Russia. The longstanding…

February 27, 2014

San Francisco solidarity with Korean workers’ strike

The Korean Consulate in San Francisco was the site of a militant demonstration in support of the Korean general strike…

February 27, 2014

Solidarity with Bolivarian revolution

A rally in solidarity with Venezuela was held in San Francisco’s Mission District on Feb. 17 demanding U.S. hands off…

February 27, 2014

Stop the bombing of Fallujah

United States weapons are still killing Iraqis as the government that the U.S. 10-year-long occupation installed bombs the rebellious cities…

February 27, 2014

From Ukraine to Venezuela: U.S. wages dirty wars

Destroying the Ukraine government through an armed insurrection is part of a broader strategy by U.S. imperialism to colonize the…

February 26, 2014

EE.UU. respalda el terror contra Venezuela

19 de febrero de 2014 -- La actual violencia por parte de las fuerzas derechistas opositoras a la Revolución Bolivariana,…

February 25, 2014

Occupation of Afghanistan is not ‘democracy’

When the anti-war movement makes the argument that U.S. and NATO troops must get out of Afghanistan, liberal apologists for…

February 24, 2014

Revolutionary Miguel Cruz Santos: 1958-2014

Miguel Cruz Santos, a tireless fighter for the working class and a defender of socialism, died on Feb. 6 in…

February 24, 2014

U.S., EU, out of Ukraine!

The following is a Workers World Party statement on the crisis in Ukraine. U.S. and European Union imperialism have initiated…

February 21, 2014