
Haitians demand relief 5 years after quake

Five years ago, after a catastrophic earthquake killed hundreds of thousands of Haitians and destroyed much of Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital,…

January 16, 2015

Autoworkers picket Detroit auto show

For the seventh year in a row, rank-and-file United Auto Workers members and supporters picketed outside the North American International…

January 15, 2015

Racism, imperialism behind the Paris killings

On Sunday, Jan. 11, a massive demonstration took place in Paris in sympathy with the staff members of the satirical…

January 13, 2015

French imperialism’s brutal colonial rule

On Jan. 11, the French imperialist bourgeoisie mobilized and manipulated a massive demonstration in all the country’s major cities under…

January 13, 2015

Ébola, socialismo e imperialismo

Editorial WW/MO    7 de enero 2015 Ahora que la amenaza de la propagación del ébola en EUA ha disminuido…

January 13, 2015

Charlie Hebdo, the free press and racism

How do we put in perspective the international media focus on the massacre of 12 journalists in Paris on Jan.…

January 13, 2015

Workers in Germany challenge Amazon

The Christmas spirit doesn’t suspend the class struggle. German workers and their union, Ver.di, want a higher minimum wage and…

January 11, 2015

Letter on the Berlin Wall and the war between capitalism and socialism

In response to the Nov. 11 editorial, “The wall & counterrevolution,” published on the 25th anniversary of the end of…

January 11, 2015

Behind the attack in Paris

Based on remarks by Deirdre Griswold on the Charlie Hebdo attack, given to a Jan. 9 Workers World Party meeting…

January 10, 2015

Oil price decline impacts African economies

During 2014 many Western-based financial publications declared that the Federal Republic of Nigeria had surpassed the Republic of South Africa…

January 10, 2015