
Stop U.S. arms to Ukraine

The International Action Center held a protest Feb. 17 before CNN headquarters near Columbus Circle in New York City to…

February 18, 2015

Problems of Greek crisis as predatory lenders demand austerity

Feb. 16 — The eyes of both world finance capital and class-conscious workers and revolutionaries have been on Greece in…

February 17, 2015

Venezuelan government stops U.S.-backed coup attempt

Ever since Comandante Hugo Chavez became president of Venezuela in 1998 and the Bolivarian Revolution began, there has been no…

February 16, 2015

Teachers win a victory in Mexico

Mexico City -- Some 10,000 teachers converged on Mexico City on Feb. 9, and immediately set up hundreds of tents…

February 16, 2015

Regarding Ukraine, say NO to another U.S. war based on lies

Workers World publishes the following email sent out by the International Action Center on Feb. 13. ‘The bombs dropped on…

February 13, 2015

At Russia’s border, NATO mobilizes 30,000 troops

For NATO’s defense ministers meeting in Brussels yesterday, it was “a very busy day.” After the bilateral meeting, in which…

February 13, 2015

Thousands protest NATO in Munich

While NATO officials from the 28 current member countries of the U.S.-dominated military alliance met in Munich, Germany, 4,000 people…

February 13, 2015

Relevance of Puerto Rico at the CELAC Summit

On the international level there are many unknowns about the struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico. This often leads…

February 11, 2015

Greek debt, austerity and past military contracts

Since the 2008 capitalist downturn sparked the debt crisis, Greek working people have held huge demonstrations, general strikes and now…

February 10, 2015

Tsipras pledges to fight austerity but ‘observe euro norms’ as bankers prepare to stonewall Syriza

Feb. 9 — A showdown in Greece in the struggle between the newly elected leftist Syriza government and the European…

February 10, 2015