
Biden’s phony calls for restraint: U.S. sends more arms to Israel

The “Genocide Joe” administration recently equipped the Zionist apartheid regime of Israel with more deadly military hardware, while at the…

April 2, 2024

Palestinian Factions condemn murders of World Central Kitchen workers

The following statement from Palestinian Factions (National and Islamic Forces), condemning the murders of World Central Kitchen workers, was released…

April 2, 2024

Assassination of Iranian brigadier general

The following statement was released by the Resistance News Network on April 1, 2024 from the official for Arab and…

April 1, 2024

April 5-7 UNAC Conference
Decolonization and the fight against Imperialism

The following is the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) call for a conference in Saint Paul, Minnesota Join us for…

April 1, 2024

Resolution on the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow from Stop World War 3 Coordination

The coordination of the Stop World War 3 Peace Initiative, which held an international conference in Rome, Italy, from Oct.…

April 1, 2024

Palestinian resistance demands “land back” on Land Day

The following statements were issued by Resistance News Network on Land Day, March 30, 2024 Popular Front for the Liberation…

March 31, 2024

Hamas and Islamic Jihad meet in Tehran, Iran

The following statement was released by Resistance News Network on March 29, 2024. Last night, a delegation from the leadership…

March 31, 2024

Detener la entrada de la OTAN en Ucrania

Con el régimen ucraniano en Kiev aparentemente al borde del colapso, algunos de los gobiernos de la OTAN liderada por…

March 31, 2024

Cuba responds to protests over shortages

On March 17, small groups of Cubans protested shortages of electricity, water and food in areas of Cuba. Addressing the…

March 29, 2024

El bipartidismo en su mejor (o peor) expresión: La prohibición y la palabrería

Por mucho que demócratas y republicanos traten de parecer diferentes unos de otros, a veces no pueden evitar sonar igual.…

March 29, 2024