
Victory for Perú Libre and Mariáteguismo

For more than a month, Keiko Fujimori and others in Peru’s right-wing opposition attempted to overturn the results of the…

July 21, 2021

Capitalism breeds climate catastrophe — Report from Belgium on the floods

By Michel Collon Hundreds die from heat exhaustion in the U.S. Northwest and British Columbia. Unprecedented heat waves hit northern…

July 20, 2021

U.S. hands off Cuba, Haiti!

Protesters marched through Portland, Oregon’s Saturday Market July 17 chanting “U.S. Out of Cuba! Hands Off Haiti!” They joined progressives…

July 19, 2021

Under imperialism, multiple crises deepen in Haiti

Haitian authorities have arrested Colombian mercenaries and Haitian-Americans and charged them with participating in the July 7 assassination of Haitian…

July 19, 2021

After the First Intifada: ‘Prisoners build their own weapons of defense and strength’

Dr. Amal Wahdan is the founder and editor of the Arab Gazette, as well as an organizer with One Democratic…

July 19, 2021

Celebrate the Cuban Revolution with Workers World!

Workers World/Mundo Obrero joins with the Cuban people in celebrating the 68th anniversary of an event which changed the course…

July 19, 2021

Cuba’s streets belong to revolutionaries

Prepared for by Juan Diego Nusa Peñalver, Yudy Castro Morales and Milagros Pichardo Pérez, published July 13.  “We are…

July 16, 2021

Cuba continues to win

This statement was issued by the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity, Our America, and translated in…

July 16, 2021

China y África: Cooperación mutua, no neocolonialismo

Por Ernie Hamer (Autor invitado) Basado en una charla dada en una reunión de Workers World/ Partido Mundo Obrero en…

July 16, 2021

A speech by the Cuban president: ‘The people will defend their Revolution’

A report on First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez’s special…

July 15, 2021