Workers World Party

WW photographer targeted by police

On June 1, while taking photos at a Justice for George Floyd march in Philadelphia, Joe Piette, whose photographs appear…

June 2, 2020

PDF of May 28 issue

Download 12-page PDF here. Iran-Venezuela solidarity breaks U.S. blockade. Pandemics can foment social revolutions. Also: What is a Marxist-Leninist party?…

May 28, 2020

Fight for the rights of people with disabilities!

This is a slightly edited version of a talk given during the“What Road To Socialism?” webinar held by Workers World…

May 27, 2020

Workers World: A communist newspaper, a collective organizer

This is a slightly edited version of a talk given during the “What Road to Socialism?” webinar held by Workers…

May 22, 2020

A historic crossroads: Socialism or Fascism? 

The following is a slightly edited talk given during the Workers World Party webinar “What Road to Socialism?” on May…

May 22, 2020

PDF of May 21 issue

Download entire 12-page PDF here. 'Reopening' fuels resistance. Capitalism or Socialism? Also: #FreeBlackMamas; Save the USPS! Working-class democracy; Trump vs.…

May 22, 2020

PDF download of May 14 issue

Download entire 12-page PDF here. Justice for Ahmaud Arbery. Kent State and Jackson State. Also: COVID‑19: capitalism's end stage; workers…

May 14, 2020

Working class democracy and centralism

We are taught in school that the United States is a democracy, but this claim is completely divorced from the…

May 13, 2020

Exigencias socialistas para la crisis del COVID-19

A medida que la pandemia de COVID-19 continúa extendiéndose, la respuesta del gobierno a la crisis ha sido criminalmente negligente,…

May 13, 2020

PDF download of May 7 issue

Click to download entire 12-page PDF May Day coverage. Also: COVID‑19 North Carolina protest; Genocide on Detroit; Cuban medical team;…

May 7, 2020