Workers World Party

U.S. lies grease a path to war

The first casualty of war is truth. The famous ancient Greek playwright, Aeschylus, allegedly said this in 550 BCE. It’s…

February 22, 2022

Dred Scott to Daunte Wright: same repression, same fight

“There was police brutality, and there was atrocity, and the press was just as atrocious as the police. Because they…

February 22, 2022

Unite for Feb. 26 – Workers Power Day!

Solidarity with Starbucks, Amazon and all workers who are organizing and fighting back Fight against racism and all forms of…

February 18, 2022

PDF of February 17 issue

Download the PDF. Rehire Memphis Starbucks 7 Also: No new U.S. war Education workers strike back from Oakland to Puerto Rico…

February 17, 2022

Unite our class to fight COVID-19

Private industries in the imperialist countries of North America and Europe have superexploited the COVID-19 crisis. And the governments have…

February 15, 2022

PDF of February 10 issue

Download the PDF. United fight against racist school closures Stop the U.S. war machine! Also: Brian Flores vs. NFL bosses…

February 10, 2022

PDF of February 3 issue

Download the PDF. At Russia-Ukraine border NO U.S.-NATO WAR! Editorial: What’s at stake with SCOTUS nomination Background to U.S. war…

February 3, 2022

PDF of January 27 issue

Download the PDF. In the spirit of MLKOrganize the South! U.S. hands off Ukraine! Cops charged in child’s death Fight…

January 27, 2022

China welcomes Chinese translation of ‘Capitalism on a Ventilator’

We have very exciting news! The Chinese translation of “Capitalism on a Ventilator — The Impact of COVID-19 in China…

January 26, 2022

Solution to global inequality is socialism!

Around the globe, billions of people are suffering incredible losses resulting from capitalism’s inability and refusal to seriously address the…

January 25, 2022