Workers World Party

Rally for peace in Europe

Cleveland Cleveland antiwar activists gathered at a city park April 2 for a “Rally for peace in Europe.” Speakers represented…

April 6, 2022

PDF of March 31 issue

Download the PDF. World wants peace, Biden threatens war War in Ukraine: South Bronx protest; Migration double standard; Biden’s sanctions…

March 31, 2022

PDF of March 24 issue

Download the PDF. No sanctions, no nukes, no war! Labor on the rise: Workers Assembly for May Day Amazon, Starbucks…

March 24, 2022

PDF of March 17 issue

Download the PDF. Starbucks Workers United scores major victory War crisis Racist treatment of refugees U.S.-funded ‘biolabs’ Poverty in Ukraine…

March 17, 2022

Comrades, especially in the U.S., we need to seriously talk about what’s going on in the working class

By Larry Holmes  “In the absence of organization, working people do not constitute a class but rather an incoherent mass,…

March 15, 2022

Mark International Working Women’s Day − Support Workers World

In the spirit of International Working Women’s Day, March 8, Workers World hails women workers and oppressed people around the…

March 11, 2022

PDF of March 10 issue

Download the PDF. Global South rejects U.S.-NATO aggression Int’l Working Women’s Day means solidarity Autherine Lucy defied segregation Labor resistance:…

March 10, 2022

PDF of March 3 issue

Download the PDF. U.S.-instigated conflict threatens humanity Unions rally for Alabama Amazon workers Also: San Francisco Haiti solidarity Justice for…

March 3, 2022

Workers Power Day builds solidarity for Amazon, Starbucks workers

In solidarity with Starbucks, Amazon and all worker organizing, the Support Amazon Workers Network declared Feb. 26 a “Workers Power…

March 2, 2022


February 24 Workers World Party joins with the many antiwar and anti-imperialist organizations, here and around the world, in raising…

February 24, 2022