Workers World Party

From Striketober to Revolutiontober

Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar “Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles…

February 23, 2023

PDF of February 23 issue

Download the PDF. Earthquake kills 50,000 End sanctions on Syria! Train wreck exposes capitalism Sam Marcy: apostle of class unity…

February 23, 2023

Think of the power you have as a worker!

Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar “Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles…

February 17, 2023

‘Struggle is the very essence of a revolutionary party’

Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar “Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles…

February 15, 2023

Bellicosity, bravado and blather

President Joe Biden’s Feb. 7 State of the Union address offered no real surprises.  Like any loyal imperialist politician, Biden…

February 14, 2023

Support workers struggles, big and small, to build solidarity

Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar “Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles…

February 14, 2023

Puerto Rico: A history of resistance

Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar “Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles…

February 14, 2023

Lessons today from Sam Marcy’s ‘Bolsheviks and War’

Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar “Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles…

February 11, 2023

Class oppression is primary; national oppression is not secondary! 

Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar “Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles…

February 11, 2023

PDF of February 9 issue

Download the PDF. Perú — People rise up, reject coup Editorial: Imperialism vs. the brazen balloon Venceremos Brigade report Reconstruction…

February 9, 2023