Women and oppressed genders

‘After Tiller’: A powerful defense of women’s right to choose

The documentary movie “After ­Tiller” chronicles the profoundly important story of four doctors in the U.S. who risk their lives…

October 6, 2013
San Diego activists: ‘Free Marissa Alexander’San Diego activists: ‘Free Marissa Alexander’

San Diego activists: ‘Free Marissa Alexander’

An hour-long rally was held in City Heights Park in San Diego on Sept. 14, in support of Marissa Alexander,…

September 26, 2013

Women speak out against U.S. intervention in Syria

The following is a statement from the International Women’s Alliance, of which the Women's Fightback Network, New York Chapter, is…

September 6, 2013
The struggle continues for women’s equalityThe struggle continues for women’s equality

The struggle continues for women’s equality

The date of Aug. 26 was named Women’s Equality Day in 1971 because that’s the day in 1920 when women,…

September 4, 2013

South Africa commemorates National Women’s Day

August 9 was the anniversary of the 1956 Women’s March on Pretoria, an event that attracted 20,000 women to protest…

August 18, 2013
All Women’s March in San Diego, Calif., makes historyAll Women’s March in San Diego, Calif., makes history

All Women’s March in San Diego, Calif., makes history

Women and men from all over San Diego County gathered at the Tubman/Chavez Center on June 29 for San Diego’s…

July 11, 2013

Military sexual assault: Break the chains of command!

The struggle by women to stop being treated as men’s property and sexual objects has finally surfaced in the U.S.…

May 22, 2013

Cleveland: A ‘house of horrors’ in a society of horrors

Before May 6, Georgina DeJesus, Amanda Berry and Michelle Knight were unknown outside of the Cleveland area. DeJesus and Berry,…

May 13, 2013