What is the state of abortion rights in the United States on Jan. 22, the 41st anniversary of Roe v.…
Detroit — Michigan has definitely been in the public eye recently. The biggest story, of course, has been the Detroit…
Marissa Alexander, the 34-year-old African-American woman who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for defending herself against her abusive…
Two polar opposite events affecting women’s right to choose abortion took place on Nov. 19. One was a 5 to 4…
Reproductive justice took a one-two punch in unrelated court decisions on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. One court allowed a…
The documentary movie “After Tiller” chronicles the profoundly important story of four doctors in the U.S. who risk their lives…
An hour-long rally was held in City Heights Park in San Diego on Sept. 14, in support of Marissa Alexander,…
The following is a statement from the International Women’s Alliance, of which the Women's Fightback Network, New York Chapter, is…
The date of Aug. 26 was named Women’s Equality Day in 1971 because that’s the day in 1920 when women,…
August 9 was the anniversary of the 1956 Women’s March on Pretoria, an event that attracted 20,000 women to protest…