Women and oppressed genders

‘Obvious Child’ a breakthrough on abortion rights

On some issues, U.S. movies lag decades behind social change. Abortion is one of them, especially when statistically one woman…

June 22, 2014
Struggle cancels anti-woman conference in DetroitStruggle cancels anti-woman conference in Detroit

Struggle cancels anti-woman conference in Detroit

On June 11, just five days after it was targeted by hundreds of protesters and thousands of petitions, Doubletree Hotel…

June 17, 2014
Protest exposes anti-woman groupProtest exposes anti-woman group

Protest exposes anti-woman group

Efforts are underway to stop the anti-woman group “A Voice for Men” from holding its first international conference in Detroit…

June 10, 2014
A rampage and an epidemicA rampage and an epidemic

A rampage and an epidemic

A deadly attack killed six young students at the University of California, Santa Barbara on May 23 and injured 13 others…

June 3, 2014
Maya Angelou gave literary, political voice to African-American womenMaya Angelou gave literary, political voice to African-American women

Maya Angelou gave literary, political voice to African-American women

Youth and students from successive generations were influenced by Maya Angelou’s widely read book, “I Know Why the Caged Bird…

June 3, 2014
Mothers’ march for justice at Baltimore hospitalMothers’ march for justice at Baltimore hospital

Mothers’ march for justice at Baltimore hospital

Thousands of Johns Hopkins Hospital workers and their supporters gathered in Baltimore’s downtown and staged a Mother’s March and Rally…

May 14, 2014

Rights for women or corporations?

PART 3. Can a for-profit company claim “religious liberty” based on opposition to paying for certain types of birth control…

May 9, 2014

Rights for women or corporations? Part 2

Part 1: Rights for women or corporations? The case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby, which was presented to the Supreme…

April 17, 2014

Right-wing extremist destroys clinic

The All Families Health Center in Kalispell, Mont., was operational for only three weeks when it was vandalized and destroyed…

April 5, 2014