Women and oppressed genders

Women march for justice

Boston -- Despite temperatures hovering around freezing and 50-mile-per-hour wind gusts, the Women's Fightback Network commemorated International Working Women's Month…

March 31, 2014

Women speak on struggle, resistance & solidarity

Workers World Party sponsored an extraordinary panel of women activists at its annual International Working Women’s Month forum in New…

March 24, 2014

Crisis for women in Texas

A health care crisis for women of reproductive age has exploded in Texas as a restrictive law passed last year…

March 24, 2014

Women fight for rights, defend social gains

What is remembered about yearly International Women’s Day commemorations? Not official afternoon teas and receptions, where politicians toss off meaningless…

March 23, 2014

Taking back Black history from the 1%

Karl Marx said in 1845: “The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e., the…

March 14, 2014

Abuse survivor still on Florida’s hit list

Marissa Alexander faces another trial People across the country are outraged by Florida State Attorney Angela Corey’s recent decision to…

March 13, 2014

Int’l Women’s Day: Unity against racism, sexism, war and poverty

New York — The atmosphere was electric and filled with optimism on March 8 as a dynamic march took over…

March 13, 2014

‘Lifting our voices’ against oppression

Detroit -- A “Lifting Our Voices” speakout against capitalism and imperialism took place in Detroit on March 8 for International…

March 13, 2014

Providence, R.I.: Women of all colors unite

International Women’s Day was marked in Providence, R.I., by a “Women of All Colors Assembly,” a wonderful gathering of 100…

March 13, 2014

Every issue is a woman’s issue

The following text came from an updated brochure issued by the International Working Women’s Day coalition in New York City.…

March 8, 2014