Women and oppressed genders

Young workers drive union effort at Salt Lake City Public Library 

Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Public Library employees gathered outside the main branch in the downtown area on April…

May 12, 2023

Smash anti-trans bigotry!

Enough is enough. And we mean enough! Transgender youth are under siege. Legislators in all but four states have introduced…

May 2, 2023

Abortion is health care! Health care is a right!

Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk could be described as a xenophobic, white-supremacist, science-loathing, male chauvinist pig. Even that characterization might be too…

April 25, 2023

May Day being commemorated in the U.S.

A number of U.S. cities are gearing up for May Day (International Workers Day) 2023 with actions that highlight labor…

April 24, 2023

Only a mass, united movement can push back anti-abortion attacks

On April 21 the U.S. Supreme Court issued a brief, unsigned ruling allowing the stay on the Texas judge's reactionary…

April 21, 2023

Court ruling against abortion pills means FIGHT BACK!

Demonstrations took place across the country to protest the reactionary ruling by a federal judge in Texas to overturn the…

April 18, 2023

Florida: Campus protesters face felony charges for opposing Gov. DeSantis agenda

From Fightback News Tampa, Florida  There is a growing movement across the country to demand that Florida prosecutors drop the…

April 17, 2023

A double standard

On April 1, the Louisiana State University (LSU) Tigers women’s basketball team won its first 2023 NCAA championship, after trouncing,…

April 10, 2023

Transphobia – a product of capitalism

Portland, Oregon Note: The following talk was given during the Trans Day of Resistance, March 31 in Portland, Oregon. Johnson…

April 5, 2023

Following murder of Dr. King
Lessons of the April 1968 Black rebellions

Following are excerpts from an article published on April 11, 1968, in WW newspaper, by Workers World Party founding Chairperson…

April 3, 2023