Women and oppressed genders

Jailhouse death still unexplained

Ralkina Jones was found dead in a Cleveland Heights jail cell on July 26. Only 37 years old, this African-American…

August 26, 2015

Black transwomen killed in Detroit

Aug. 16 -- The hate-fueled killing of transgender people of color is yet another crime against the oppressed that happens…

August 17, 2015

Defend Planned Parenthood!

Amidst the ratcheted-up misogyny on display by the ranks of the Republican Party, the right wing has unleashed a full-out…

August 11, 2015

Oakland, Calif., vigil for Sandra Bland

Over a hundred people gathered at Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland, Calif., on July 24 for a “Say Her Name”…

July 29, 2015

Sexual equality is in our genes

Marxist thinkers from Frederick Engels to Dorothy Ballan have long maintained that, for most of human existence, the social structure…

July 23, 2015

Justice for Sandra Bland!

LYNCHED IN TEXAS JAIL Houston -- How can someone, whose only mistake is to forget to use her car’s turn…

July 23, 2015

Asserting right of poor women to abortion

A bold giant step in defense of poor women’s right to abortion and for equal opportunity for all women took…

July 16, 2015

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer view on rights, liberation, & anti-racist solidarity

The following excerpts are from a talk on “LGBTQ: Rights, Liberation and Solidarity” given by Shelley Ettinger, a former WW…

June 29, 2015

Rape culture and Rolling Stone

With just the title of his article, a Washington Post writer has unwittingly spoken volumes about the issue of rape…

June 28, 2015

Denver DA clears officers in shooting of Jessica Hernandez

On June 5, Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey announced that he had cleared officers Gabriel Jordan and Daniel Green in…

June 16, 2015