Women and oppressed genders

#J20 mass protests planned: FIGHT TRUMP!

Jan. 1 -- People are organizing all over the United States to go to Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 20,…

January 3, 2017

Women say ‘No to misogyny!’

Millions of women were shocked, outraged and disgusted when the extremely misogynistic and racist Donald Trump was selected by the…

January 3, 2017

Rape culture, sports and profits

Bulletin: On Dec. 19, Judge Aaron Persky, who had sentenced rapist Brock Turner to only six months in jail after…

December 19, 2016

Women & the All India Trade Union Congress

Amarjeet Kaur is National Secretary of the All India Trade Union Congress. Martha Grevatt interviewed her Oct. 7 during the…

November 20, 2016

Trump, Obama, Clinton and the fight to end sexism

Oct. 18 — The sordid video of Donald Trump’s vulgar sexist remarks has opened up a widespread national conversation on…

October 27, 2016

The fight to end sexism: Lessons from Trump’s woman-hating, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton

Oct. 18 -- The sordid video of Donald Trump’s vulgar sexist remarks has opened up a widespread national conversation on…

October 20, 2016

Raising up a people’s agenda

Durham, N.C. - A spirited demonstration of activists from nearly a dozen organizations was held Oct. 11 outside the North…

October 19, 2016

Workers to sexist bosses: HANDS OFF!

We have heard from Donald Trump’s own mouth his disgusting, unrelenting, unrepentant commitment to hating, degrading and sexually abusing women.…

October 16, 2016

Women strike in Poland for abortion rights

Black flooded the streets of Warsaw and 60 other Polish cities on Oct. 3. It is estimated that upwards of…

October 16, 2016

Sexist predator or drone predator? Vote with your feet

Oct. 10 — This debacle of an election process is ­unprecedented, bizarre and absurd. And it is also ­dangerous. Analysis…

October 12, 2016