Women and oppressed genders

Remembering Sue Davis: Comrade, fighter, writer (1942-2020)

Workers World Party lost a dynamic, dedicated comrade on Sept. 26 when Sue Davis died, a month after suffering a…

November 3, 2020

Remember those who cops shot during mental health crisis

I’m angry. I’m a mentally ill person tired of seeing people like us die. I’m angry that no matter what…

November 3, 2020

Self-defense is a right! California protest hits domestic violence 

Bakersfield, Calif. Oct. 23 – The chant of "Self-defense is not a crime! Free our sisters doing time!" rang out…

October 29, 2020

Transgender woman in PA prison speaks out

From Miley Selena Fletcher August 24th, 2020 @S.C.I. Forest Marienville, Pa. 16239 The following is an edited version of a…

October 27, 2020

March for missing and murdered Indigenous people and their families

Seattle On Oct. 24, 200 people marched through downtown Seattle to demand “Justice for Renee Davis and baby Massi.” The…

October 26, 2020

Film review — “Belly of the Beast”: Sterilizations inside the world’s largest women’s prison

With the world spotlight currently on the forced sterilizations of migrant women inside the ICE detention center in Georgia, the…

October 23, 2020

Oregon prisoners resist denial of Covid-19 protocol

Portland, Ore. On four successive days in late September, four prisoners in Oregon state prisons died of Covid-19. On Oct.…

October 19, 2020

How do we defend reproductive justice?

It appears likely that the Trump wing of the ruling class will ram through the Supreme Court nomination of Judge…

October 19, 2020

March for trans liberation

Philadelphia For the tenth year in a row, several hundred people – trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming and all gender identities,…

October 16, 2020

Viral capitalism: Racist, sexist bosses kill jobs

Another 1.3 million people filed for unemployment benefits during the week of Sept. 28, adding to the ranks of the…

October 13, 2020