Women and oppressed genders

PRIDE in Cuba: ‘Bringing revolution’s humanity to all aspects of life’

The following is one installment of Feinberg’s “Lavender & Red” series on the intersection of LGBTQ+ and socialist history; this…

June 13, 2022

La clase obrera y la crisis capitalista mundial

Los siguientes extractos son de los comentarios de Larry Holmes, Primer Secretario del Partido del Mundo Obrero, en una reunión…

June 13, 2022

​​Lavender & Red #111
Anti-gay, anti-trans laws rooted in class rule

The following is one installment of Feinberg’s “Lavender & Red” series on the intersection of LGBTQ+ and socialist history, which…

June 3, 2022

Hoboken, New Jersey, rally defends abortion

Over 100 people rallied in Hoboken, New Jersey, May 26 in support of right to abortion and reproductive justice. “We…

June 2, 2022

Transgender rights now! Our 10 point program

The rights of transgender people to live in safety and dignity have never been respected by the capitalist system, but…

June 1, 2022

¡Los derechos de los transgéneros, ahora! Nuestro programa de 10 puntos

Los derechos de las personas transgénero de vivir con seguridad y dignidad nunca han sido respetados por el sistema capitalista,…

June 1, 2022

Philadelphia: Youth walk out for abortion rights

Philadelphia Several hundred high school students demanding abortion rights walked out of their classrooms and marched to City Hall for…

May 27, 2022

No new jails! Tear Down the Walls commentary

The prisons, jails and detention centers in New York City have long been evolving in service of capitalism. From their…

May 25, 2022

‘The spark that led me to more radical politics” − Commentary

The recent leak from a whistleblower that the Supreme Court could reverse Roe v. Wade — ending access to abortion…

May 24, 2022

¡Basta ya!

¡Saquen los pañuelos! Los jueces ultraderechistas no elegidos y nombrados para toda la vida del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos…

May 24, 2022