U.S. and Canada

Michigan: ballot initiative huge advance for reproductive justice

Bulletin: On August 31, with a 2-2 deadlock vote, the Michigan State Board of Canvassers overturned the decision of the…

August 31, 2022

Starbucks worker militancy forces legal victories

Recently, Starbucks workers achieved some significant wins in the form of National Labor Relations Board complaints and judgments against the…

August 30, 2022

Make education free

After years of all talk and no action by politicians about student debt, so severe that even people in their…

August 30, 2022

Momentum builds to stop the new jail plan

Over 100 Greater Cleveland community members turned out Aug. 25 for a “Community meeting” held to purportedly hear from Cuyahoga…

August 30, 2022

Faced with U.S. ‘Decapitation Drill’
DPRK Korea missile launch is self-defense

The western corporate media described the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s launch of two missiles Aug. 17 as threatening, aggressive…

August 26, 2022

On the picket line

Mental health workers strike for their patients The psychologists, social workers and other mental health care workers at Kaiser Permanente…

August 26, 2022

Clínicas de metadona: acabar con el estigma y el control social 

En la década de 1930, la empresa alemana I.G. Farben buscaba una solución a la escasez de opio y a…

August 26, 2022

On Labor Day, hail workers in motion!/Support Workers World!

Workers World/Mundo Obrero newspaper cheers on the Amazon and Starbucks workers who are leading struggles to unionize their workplaces. These…

August 26, 2022

PDF of August 25 issue

Download the PDF. Memphis Seven win class war: Boston Starbucks; Amazon organizing; On the picket line; Seattle workers' actions; Britain's…

August 25, 2022

UE Local 150: 25 years of struggle

Whitakers, North Carolina Members of the North Carolina Public Service Workers Union, United Electrical Workers (UE) Local 150, celebrated 25…

August 24, 2022