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PDF of September 8 issue

Download the PDF. Protest of ‘Penntrification’ shuts down UPenn convocation Mississippi water crisis Housing = health care Millions more face…

September 8, 2022

Labor Day sip-ins for Portland Starbucks workers

By Maddi Johnson Sept. 5 — When it comes to Starbucks, Portland has the highest unionization density of any city…

September 7, 2022

Protest of ‘Penntrification’ shuts down UPenn convocation

University City Townhomes, renamed the Peoples Townhomes by residents and activists, sits next to the campus of the University of…

September 6, 2022

New York City march backs unions at Amazon, Starbucks

In the first of a series of solidarity actions with workers’ organizing drives this September, hundreds of workers and supporters…

September 6, 2022

Texas prison abolitionists confront the state

Abolitionists from the Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement traveled from Houston to Galveston on Aug. 26 to address the Texas…

September 6, 2022

Editorial: ¡Hacer que la educación sea gratuita!

Después de años en los que los políticos sólo hablaban y no hacían nada con respecto a la deuda estudiantil,…

September 5, 2022

U.S. and Israel bomb Syria again: Oil piracy continues

In the latest violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, eight U.S. F-16 and F-15E fighter jets hit nine targets…

September 2, 2022

Ohio teachers win through mass solidarity

In a climate of recent worker mobilizations and fights, teachers in two different Ohio school districts started their school year…

September 2, 2022

Buffalo solidarity with Palestine

Buffalo Activists from Workers World Party, Democratic Socialists of America and Food Not Bombs gathered in Buffalo, New York, Aug.…

September 1, 2022

PDF of September 1 issue

Download the PDF. Starbucks worker militancy forces legal victories BATTLE FOR ABORTION ACCESS Michigan ballot initiative Louisiana: Nancy Davis case…

September 1, 2022