U.S. and Canada

On the picket line

Steelworkers on strike in West Virginia When bosses at Constellium Aluminum refused to budge from a lousy five-year contract, the…

September 6, 2012

Protesters flood ‘Wall Street South’

Charlotte, N.C. — Called “the March on Wall Street South,” a demonstration confronting the banks and corporations headquartered here that…

September 5, 2012

Why incomes plunged during capitalist ‘recovery’

The mass of the people fell back financially during the latest so-called capitalist recovery — even more than they did…

September 2, 2012

Michigan LGBTQ community is ‘Hungry 4 Equality’

Detroit — David Garcia, executive director of Affirmations, Detroit’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community center, went on a…

September 2, 2012

Stop Wall Street’s war on women

When U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, a Republican Senate candidate, stated that women don’t become pregnant from “legitimate rape,” he insulted…

September 2, 2012

New York cops shoot 10 during morning rush hour

New York — On Aug. 24, two New York police officers turned what by all accounts was a targeted killing by…

September 2, 2012

Immigrant youth are targets of new racist edict in Arizona

Tucson, Ariz. — Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer issued Executive Order 2012-06 on Aug. 15, denying all state and local public benefits…

September 2, 2012

Baltimore anti-police brutality fighters refuse plea deal

Baltimore — Two representatives of the Baltimore Peoples Assembly, the Rev. Cortly “CD” Witherspoon of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference…

September 2, 2012

Baltimore vigil protests cop killing of homeless man

Representatives of the Baltimore Peoples Assembly gathered for a vigil and protest in front of the boarded-up house that Rudy…

September 2, 2012

Cops snuff out young lives

Brooklyn, N.Y. — Nicholas Naquan Heyward Jr. was just 13 years old when he was killed by “Robocop” Brian George…

September 2, 2012