U.S. and Canada

To our subscribers: Help the Marxist school

The North Carolina branch of Workers World Party is organizing a week-long school on Marxist theory and practice in mid-August.…

August 9, 2012

Texas executes man with limited mental ability

The state of Texas legally lynched Marvin Wilson on the evening of Aug. 7. Houston, Aug. 7 — Marvin Wilson…

August 9, 2012

March on Wall Street South hits the streets

March on Wall Street South organizers Tommy Cavanaugh, of the Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement; Ed Childs, chief steward…

August 8, 2012

Poverty rising

New figures show capitalism can’t meet people’s needs An Associated Press investigation has revealed that poverty is increasing at a…

August 6, 2012

Rallies denounce voter ID law

Hundreds of opponents of a new Pennsylvania voter ID law gathered in Harrisburg, the state capital, on July 24, in…

August 6, 2012

Hundreds view reenactment of Georgia lynching

Monroe, Ga. — On July 28, more than 500 people watched the dramatic reenactment of a gruesome lynching that happened…

August 6, 2012

March on Wall Street South: Why big banks will be targeted

Charlotte, N.C. — Mobilizing has begun around the country for the March on Wall Street South: protest actions between Sept. 1…

August 3, 2012

During AIDS conference, activists confront drug firms, politicians

Washington, D.C. - Thousands of HIV-positive people and activists from all over the globe came to the International AIDS Conference…

August 3, 2012

Protests at International AIDS Conference 2012

Twenty thousand people from 200 different countries attended the XIX International AIDS Conference 2012 in Washington, DC., July 22-27. In the…

August 3, 2012

Pro-choice advocates defend clinics

During the week of July 21-28, pro-choice advocates successfully defended three reproductive health clinics in Charlotte, N.C., against an extremist…

August 3, 2012